PM afirma que homem agredido em bar não deu entrada em hospitais de Divinópolis
No fim da tarde deste domingo (27), a Polícia Militar, se pronunciou em nota sobre a agressão sofrida por um homem na porta de um bar, em Divinópolis, na noite...
A Polícia Militar Rodoviária, foi acionada para atender a uma ocorrência na rodovia MG-050, no km 87, em Itaúna. Tratava-se de um tombamento de um caminhão da marca Mercedes-Benz, cujo...
Carro pega fogo dentro de garagem em casa em Divinópolis
Um carro pegou fogo dentro da garagem de uma casa na manhã desta segunda-feira (28), no bairro São João de Deus, em Divinópolis. Ninguém ficou ferido.De acordo com o Corpo...
Morre mais uma vítima de acidente com carro de Divinópolis voltando de Brasília
Morreu na manhã deste domingo (27/08) no Hospital Regional Antônio Dias em Patos de Minas, Afonso Ribeiro Alves, de 41 anos. Ele foi uma das vítimas de um acidente na MGC-354,...
How Do Political Parties Oppose Their Own Presidents?
Like FDR, who was able to overcome the complete weakness of US federal government over private banks and financial sector in general, when dealing with the Great Depression. Or Lincoln,...
Symphonic Festival with Real Rocks and Real Rock Music
When people tell me that our President has delivered his 7th State of the Union speech recently, I always correct their mistake and tell it was eighth, in fact. On...
The New Flagship from the World’s Largest Tablet Manufacturer
Building a computer that could match the power of the human brain has long been a goal of scientists. BM (International Business Machines Corporation) has been around for somewhat over...
Terrorism Concerns Get USA Tourists Opting in to ‘Lighter’ Holiday Spots
Like FDR, who was able to overcome the complete weakness of US federal government over private banks and financial sector in general, when dealing with the Great Depression. Or Lincoln,...
London House Prices May be Picking Up Pace but Growth Slows in Bristol
The world’s developed economies have got a new stage of unemployment - its level is back down to before financial crisis. According to data from OECD unemployment level fell 5.6pc...
The Incredible Story of an American Travel Blogger
Like FDR, who was able to overcome the complete weakness of US federal government over private banks and financial sector in general, when dealing with the Great Depression. Or Lincoln,...